Ah yes , this one made an short part of my teenage time, when i was in highschool.
Old but gold! :^)
Ah yes , this one made an short part of my teenage time, when i was in highschool.
Old but gold! :^)
Bahahaha... love it how dark this is... XD
It really reminds me of the game: „The binding of Isaac“.
Also love your sense of humor.
And... „Praise the sun“! \[T]/
„For the sun“!!!
Well, i find it really interesting how you came up with the Aztec stuff... :^)
Not bad!
Actually looks really good !
Bahahaha... to bad that i didn’t watched this earlier...
That voice of that of him and his pronunciation maked me laugh... :^)
(Well..., i understand German perfectly ( because i‘m from Germany)
Not bad on that !
(Um ehrlich zu sein, die Betonung, sowohl die Darstellung, erinnert mich ziemlich an die Serie: South Park. Kombiniert mit der Vorführung: Die Sendung mit der Maus.)
Ansonsten garnicht mal so schlecht! :^)
haha dankeschön. Ja ich wollte daraus auch so art eine "Kindersendung" machen. Alles sarkastisch und mit schwarzem Humor, weil Leute sich dann eher denken " Was stimmt hier nicht?" And die Sendung mit der Maus habe ich nicht speziel gedacht aber hast recht, ist schon ähnlich :D
Should have wrote something before, when it comes out..., but
This turns out very well and surprised me an little..
Nice work on that! :^)
Not bad...
Nice story dude...! :D
Awww that’s cute.. ^w^
Love it , when Baozis, „baozis“ are bouncing... :3
Hmmm... interesting. :3
Not bad!
Especially the little references.
Newgrounds was a part of my childhood.
I found Newgrounds by playing games from spele.nl .(Too bad, that i didn't create an account on here earlier , because @Newgrounds is needed by email adress or no idea for name or even both, i was young and not exp.)
Age 26, Male
Somewhere in EU DE
Joined on 11/27/18